Begin Again

To begin again means to have courage to start over.

You ever wonder what separates the elite athletes from all the rest? It’s their courage to begin again.
Begin again from a loss.
Begin again from an injury.
Begin again from a cut from a team.
Whatever the reason, those top performers don’t let their failures and setbacks control their success. They take it all in stride, as a learning experience and as an opportunity to improve.

It’s like that for us too.

The start to this new year drained me. It almost completely wiped out my hopes, expectations and goals I had set for my health, my home, my business, my everything really.

Although we had what people are calling a mild case of COVID to kick off our new year, that period of reverting back to the only type of connection that was deemed safe at the beginning of this – virtual – really took a toll on us. I personally felt myself heading into a funk. I felt the familiar tugging on my thoughts, my heart, that all was lost. It’s so odd how that feeling of hopelessness took over.

Now that I can happily kick January to the curb, I’m feeling hopeful and my head is swimming with ideas! I love the first of the month! It helps to redirect my energy and focus back to my goals. I know many people don’t function well with goals and timelines. Perhaps you can shift your mindset around them to Commitments. It’s something new I’m trying, this language of Commitments vs. Goals. Honestly, I’m not sure I’m liking it, but I’ve committed to giving it a try 😉

So because I love accountability, here is what I am Committing to this month:

💙 Continue to increase movement daily – COVID left me drained and zapped my energy. I’m focusing on foundational needs for my body and mind to improve my energy levels.

💙 Drink more water – I swapped out half of my water daily intake with Sprite last month. It was calming to my stomach and I guess it was nostalgic. You know those times when you were sick as a kid and your mom brings you chicken soup and Sprite or 7-up? That’s the comfort I was seeking.

💙 Prep for detox – so much residual stuff is hanging around in our bodies after our illness. We’re prepping as a family to do a 30-Day Detox beginning March 1.  It’s such a great way to establish/re-learn healthy habits, increase energy, sleep better, all the things! You should definitely join us!

💚 Continue with daily self-development. I love learning from different teachers, coaches, experts, and even entrepreneurs! There’s always room for self-improvement!

💚 Monthly Mastermind – I’m reviewing a couple of opportunities to meet with other women small business owners and entrepreneurs. I haven’t made up my mind yet but I know whichever one I choose will definitely help me with growing my business!

❤️ Date my husband. We hardly ever do things just the two of us. We’re always busy with the kids, work and our families. It’s time to make this a bigger part of our relationship and we’re starting with a weekly dinner date. I’m so excited to have him all to myself!

❤️ Date my friends. Oh how I miss getting together with the girls! I’m shooting for at least once a month to reconnect and laugh and just be around people that I love and love me back. With no agenda. Just real love and support among friends.

❤️ Date myself. It’s no surprise that once again, I have fallen off the self-care wagon. This has always been a challenge but it’s really important right now as I’m getting back into the groove, back into movement, and I will need this now more than ever.

So let’s begin again! Let’s hit the ground running! Here’s to the beginning of new habits, new commitments, new connections, new ways to thrive! The first of the month is the PERFECT time to put all this transformation into motion.

What about you? Do you have goals or commitments for this fabulous February? I would love to hear about it!

Leave a comment below and let me know! I’d love to support you on your journey to a happier, healthier you!





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