Top 5 Oils for Focus

Now that your kiddos are back to school, as a parent, you may wonder how you can help your child(ren) be successful in school. Besides being their biggest cheerleader as they take on new challenges, new experiences, what more can we do? 

It’s not surprising that some of the biggest concerns for parents and challenges for students revolve around four areas:
1️⃣ Focus & Attention
2️⃣ Sleep & Wake Schedule
3️⃣ Physical Health
4️⃣ Emotions

Rather than throw in the towel before the school year has begun, why not set your family up for success? This week, we’re starting a four-part series to discover tips, natural solutions and strategies to help your child(ren) have the happiest, healthiest school year ever! Not a parent? Not experiencing the back-to-school drama? Not a problem! These natural solutions are for everyone, regardless of what season you’re in!


One of the most common issues found in the classroom is students being easily distracted. The source of distraction can be external, like something happening in the classroom, or internal, such as something happening in the mind or body. Not being able to focus can lead to students not following directions or trouble sitting still. For first-time students – kindergarteners and preschoolers – they may not know how to sit still.  It’s the first time that they’ve been in a school setting and are being asked to sit still for a longer period of time.

Not being able to sit still or focus, or becoming easily distracted is widely associated with ADHD. But is it really ADHD? Some other possibilities for attention problems:
-OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
-Learning Disorder

If you’re really struggling to figure out certain behaviors, I find that writing things down in a journal is a wonderful, incredible tool. Journaling helped us so much with discovering patterns and tendencies so that we could address them and find natural solutions.

***Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner no a licensed therapist. I am a mom who has dealt with focus and attention issues in my homeschooling journey with my children. However, I do know that diagnosing ADHD is multifaceted so make sure all factors are taken into consideration and work with your health care team to get to the core of your child’s focus and attention challenges.

Here are our top 5 oils and products for focus:

InTune is proprietary blend of essential oils that work together to create an aid for moments of distraction. This blend can be applied topically to enhance and sustain a sense of focus. Enriched with select essential oils, InTune contains Frankincense, Hawaiian Sandalwood, and Lime essential oils to assist with clarity and focus as well as Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, and Roman Chamomile to help calm and soothe. This blend is a perfect study companion and can support the efforts of those who have difficulty paying attention and staying on task. If you find the aroma of InTune, consider Thinker Focus Blend. It’s part of the Kids Collection and ideal for everyone!

Frankincense is often referred to as the King of Essential Oils because of its powerful benefits. The main chemical components of Frankincense is α-pinene, limonene, α-thujene. The unique chemical constituents contribute to Frankincense essential oil’s renewing effects when applied topically and ability to support diverse cells in the body when taken internally. The monoterpenes also contribute to the aromatic benefits of Frankincense essential oil, including its ability to promote relaxation and a sense of focus. We love Frankincense in the diffuser! It’s part of our “Homeschool & Homework Helper Blend” that we’ve used for years in our home.

Peppermint is the most popular essential oil used in the food industry thanks to its pleasant, refreshing taste. However, Peppermint has strong emotional benefits. Emotions that make it difficult to focus. It’s popularly used to reduce sad and anxious feelings, calm emotions, soothe away tension, and relieve restlessness. Peppermint can immediately give a sense of “lifting the brain fog” by promote feelings of clear airways and easy breathing. One whiff from the bottle is really all you need. If you’re feeling adventurous, place a drop on your thumb and press it to the roof of your mouth. Definitely eye-opening!

Scientific studies have shown that inhaling Rosemary essential oil has stimulating effects. Supporting evidence also shows that brain wave activity, autonomic nervous system activity, as well as mood states are all affected by the inhalation of Rosemary oil. The herbaceous scent of Rosemary help to reduce mental fatigue and provides support for memory and focus.

Inhaling Vetiver can improve alertness and brain function. Vetiver can also help your brain feel more awake if you’re struggling to focus on a task or remain alert to what’s happening around you. Inhaling its scent can also help you be more relaxed and ease anxious feelings. The main chemical constituents of Vetiver essential oil are carvone, isovalencenol, and khusimol. Both isovalencenol and khusimol are chemicals that have grounding properties. This essential oil is viscous so consider Vetiver Touch for on-the-go topical application.

You have so many options when dealing with focus and attention challenges. These 5 oils have provided our family amazing support and are part of the tools we use at Casa Walters to support our homeschooling journey. If you would like a deeper dive into these 5 natural solutions, download our free ebook “Back to School & College”.

I hope you find these oils supportive for your family too! I’m happy to help you navigate through all of these solutions and choose what is right for you. Set up a Wellness Chat and get started today!

Choose natural. Live healthy. Laugh often.



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