We’re wrapping up our four-part series to tackle some of the biggest concerns for parents and challenges for students:
Focus & Attention
Sleep & Wake Schedule
Physical Health
If you missed Part 1: Focus & Attention, you can catch-up here.
If you missed Part 2: Sleep & Wake Schedule, you can catch-up here.
If you missed Part 3: Physical Health, you can catch-up here.
Emotions affect the physical body. Physical effects of prolonged, chronic stress can be so severe that it can lead to fatigue and heart disease. Everyone feels stress in different ways and reacts to it in different ways. How much stress you experience and how you react to it can lead to a wide variety of health problems — and that’s why it’s critical to know what you can do about it.
A stressful situation sets off a chain of events. Your body releases adrenaline, a hormone that temporarily causes your breathing and heart rate to speed up and your blood pressure to rise. The body also releases stress hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine as part of the classic “fight-or-flight” response. This is not necessarily bad.
However, if we are under stress frequently, or perhaps even if we simply dwell on a stressor after it ends, it may cause the body to trigger or maintain stress-responsive systems and your body remains in high gear off and on for days or weeks at a time. These constant changes can negatively impact our health.
One way we can positively impact our emotional and mental health is by establishing routines and schedules.
Routines and schedules are really important because they have a positive effect on mental health. A routine can be helpful especially during times of transition and uncertainty. Routines and schedules can also have a positive effect on stress because because it allows the mind to adjust to certain patterns and understand expectations. The anxiety that accompanies the unknowing can be alleviated with routines and give a sense of control, especially in children who may show signs of OCD.
Another way we can positively impact our emotional and mental health is through exercise.
Research has shown that people who exercise regularly cope with stress better. When the body is stressed, the cardiovascular system is forced to work harder as heart rate and blood pressure increase. However, people who exercise regularly are better able to regulate their heart rate and mood in response to stress.
Next, it’s important to pay attention to the gut-brain connection.
The brain-gut connection, also known as the gut-brain axis, is a complex network that allows the brain and gut to communicate with each other in both directions. This connection is made up of nerve cells, chemicals, and microbes. The gut microbiome is both helpful and harmful. It has been shown to affect mental health including personality, mood, anxiety and depression. It’s important to support a healthy gut flora because 90% of your serotonin (your feel-good hormone) is produced in your gut.
Lastly, let’s empower our children with relaxation techniques:
deep breathing, meditation, tai chi, yoga, or massage. These can be a great way to help calm the brain and body and release tension.
Here are our top picks to support emotional health:
The Adaptiv System can help you navigate life’s most stressful moments with Adaptiv Calming Blend, Adaptiv Calming Blend Capsules, and Adaptiv Touch. The capsules combine clinically studied botanicals with essential oils to help you manage the effects of stress and anxious feelings. Pair it with the Calming Blend’s soothing aroma and prepare for life’s most demanding days. You’ll enjoy a sense of balance and be better able to adapt to any situation. (Save $ when you buy this system as a bundle instead of purchasing all three products individually!)
Make sure to download our free ebook “Back to School & College” to get more details on products and oils supporting all four areas in this series!
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