We’re continuing our four-part series to tackle some of the biggest concerns for parents and challenges for students:
Focus & Attention
Sleep & Wake Schedule
Physical Health
If you missed Part 1: Focus & Attention, you can catch-up here.
If you missed Part 2: Sleep & Wake Schedule, you can catch-up here.
Let’s continue….
Physical health plays a huge role in everyday success. Whether that success comes from a simple task of getting up and walking outside of our door or studying for weeks to prepare for a huge midterm exam. Regardless of the amount of effort and energy we put into a task, our physical health plays a key role in the outcome.
Some pillars for good physical health and overall wellness include:
Sleep sets the rhythm for our day and helps with tissue repair. Sleep helps keep the body healthy and the immune system strong.
A healthy diet is foundational – it promotes good bacteria in the gut that support a healthy immune and emotional response. Empowering kids at a very early age to make good decisions about what they put into their bodies becomes powerful when they get older and become independent. It’s easy to make poor eating choices when parents are not around to encourage healthy eating. So help children very early on to make intentional choices about their food.
Long-term stress can lead to health problems like heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression. The best way to give your kids a true chance of minimizing the effects of stress is to provide them with tools and techniques to prevent and manage long-term stress.
It’s really important to get some kind of daily activity. This not only helps in setting good schedules and routines but also in further supporting physical and emotional health. Encourage your children to get outdoors and do some kind of physical activity for at least 30 minutes.
Such an easy way to stay healthy but also very easy to forget. Think about the number of times kids touch desks and doorknobs and without a second thought, put their fingers into their mouths, nose, or eyes. Just sitting in the classroom makes anyone susceptible to exposure to germs.
There are certainly other considerations for a person’s overall physical health. For instance, genetics and predisposition to certain illnesses and diseases can contribute to a person’s overall health and wellness. However, 60% of related factors to individual health and quality of life are correlated to lifestyle. It’s in these lifestyle choices that we can control introducing or eliminating those things that can bring us the most harm.
Here are our top picks for natural physical support:
Formulated for the entire family and gluten-free, PB Assist+ ProBiome Gut Complex provides a unique blend of diverse genus, species, and strains of pre- and probiotics. PB Assist+ combines 13 probiotic strains and one prebiotic fiber —fructooligosaccharides (FOS)—for healthy gut colonization. The live cultures in PB Assist+ are microencapsulated, meaning they have a protective covering that ensures they survive the harsh, acidic stomach environment so they can reach the gut alive. PB Assist+ delivers seven billion AFUs (live cells) in active probiotic cultures, as well as soluble prebiotic FOS to encourage friendly bacterial growth, providing important microbiome support. This great-tasting strawberry melon–flavored powder should be taken daily.
Make sure to download our free ebook “Back to School & College” to get more details on products and oils supporting all four areas in this series!
We love that we have options for our family and can individualize a support plan for each of our children. I’m happy to help you navigate through all of these solutions and choose what is right for you. Set up a Wellness Chat and get started today!
Choose natural. Live healthy. Laugh often.